Ho Ka Kei

Ho Ka Kei (AKA Jeff Ho) is a Toronto-based theatre artist, originally from Hong Kong. His works include Iphigenia and the Furies (On Taurian Land), Antigone:方, and trace.

He has held residencies with the Stratford Festival, Tarragon Theatre, Nightswimming, Cahoots, the Banff Playwrights Lab, and Factory Theatre. Jeff has received a Toronto Theatre Critics' Award for Best New Canadian Play, the Jon Kaplan Legacy Fund Award for Young Canadian Playwright, and has been the recipient of a Harold Award. He has also been nominated four times for the Dora Mavor Moore Award, both as a performer and as a playwright. He is a graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada.

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Iphigenia and the Furies (On Taurian Land) & Antigone: 方

Two adaptations that transport mythological stories from Ancient Greece to modern-day civilizations. Led by people of colour, these darkly comedic plays from a leading Canadian playwright depict recognizable plights for justice.