Unravelling the Ribbon
Paperback, 64 pages ISBN: 9781854595713Publication Date:
12 Oct 2007
Size: 198mm x 128mm£8.99 £7.19You save £1.80 (20%)
First Staged:
Project Arts Centre, Dublin, 2007

Unravelling the Ribbon

By Mary Kelly and Maureen White

Paperback £8.99£7.19

The touching - and frequently hilarious - story of three women whose lives are touched by breast cancer.

Rose is thirty-four and lives on a farm with her husband and two children. She worries she may have married too young. Lola is fifty and wants to sell her home. Nobody ever calls and she has stopped opening her post. Lyndsey is eleven and her best friend has stopped sitting beside her in art class.

When breast cancer touches their lives, everything starts to unravel - Rose's marriage falls apart, Lola gets arrested and Lyndsey hides a cooked ham in a thorn bush.

Mary Kelly and Maureen White's play Unravelling the Ribbon was first staged at Project Arts Centre, Dublin, in 2007.

Press Quotes

'An extraordinary piece of theatre... glowingly touching and truthful, deeply gentle and lovely'

Sunday Independent, Ireland

'Told with a warmth and humour that leaves you constantly welling up with either laughter or tears'

Paperback,64 pages ISBN: 9781854595713Publication Date:
12 Oct 2007
Size: 198mm x 128mm£8.99 £7.19You save £1.80 (20%)
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