The Revenger's Tragedy
Series: Drama Classics
Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Paperback, 121 pages ISBN: 9781854593306Publication Date:
7 Nov 1996
Size: 160mm x 105mm£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)
First Staged:
c. 1606

The Revenger's Tragedy

By Cyril Tourneur

Paperback £4.99£3.99

Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price

A Jacobean tale of personal vengeance in a morally bankrupt world.

Vindice has vowed to revenge the murder of his beloved Gloriana by the lustful Duke, and when he gains access to the court in disguise, havoc ensues...

The Revenger's Tragedy was first performed in London in 1606 or 1607, and was subsequently published anonymously. It has been variously attributed to Cyril Tourneur and Thomas Middleton.

This edition of the play, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series, is edited by R.A. Foakes and includes an introduction by Trevor R. Griffiths.

Series: Drama Classics
Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Paperback,121 pages ISBN: 9781854593306Publication Date:
7 Nov 1996
Size: 160mm x 105mm£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)
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