The Great God Pan
Paperback, 80 pages ISBN: 9781559364447Publication Date:
25 Sep 2014
Size: 215mm x 135mm£18.99

The Great God Pan

By Amy Herzog

Paperback £18.99

Unsettling and deeply compassionate, The Great God Pan tells the intimate tale of what is lost and won when a hidden truth is suddenly revealed.

Jamie's life in Brooklyn seems just fine: a beautiful girlfriend, a burgeoning journalism career, and parents who live just far enough away. But when a possible childhood trauma comes to light, lives are thrown into a tailspin.

Press Quotes

'The Great God Pan is a haunting, deeply affecting play about the interaction of identity, psychology and pathology. Ms. Herzog writes with keen sensitivity to the complex weave of feelings embedded in all human relationships, with particular attention to the way we tiptoe around areas of radioactive emotion.'

New York Times

'Whatever the ideal contemporary American drama is, it has to look a lot like The Great God Pan. It is provocative and subtle, slowly, carefully revelatory, sweetly moving, thought-provoking, funny and insightful.'

New York Observer
Paperback,80 pages ISBN: 9781559364447Publication Date:
25 Sep 2014
Size: 215mm x 135mm£18.99

Also by Amy Herzog:

Mary Jane

Go to author page...

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