The Assembled Parties
Paperback, 128 pages ISBN: 9781559364768Publication Date:
4 Jun 2015
Size: 215mm x 135mm£18.99
First Staged:
Manhattan Theatre Club, 2013

The Assembled Parties

By Richard Greenberg

Paperback £18.99

Meet the Bascovs, an Upper West Side Jewish family in 1980. In an opulent apartment overlooking Central Park, former movie star Julie and her sister-in-law Faye bring their families together for a traditional holiday dinner on a night when things don't go as planned. Twenty years later, as 2001 approaches, the Bascovs' life may be about to crumble.

An incisive portrait of a family grasping for stability at the dawn of a new millennium, The Assembled Parties premiered on Broadway in 2013 to rave reviews and a Tony Award nomination for Best Play.

Press Quotes

'As eccentric as it is cunning, Greenberg's densely packed script sends your mind spinning while you laugh... Diffidence has rarely provided an audience with such enthrallingly readable hidden agendas.'

Village Voice

'The Assembled Parties is Greenberg's most richly emotional work in years, and the most beautifully detailed'

New York

'This tragicomedy shocks us into realizing how hungry we have been for witty and wounded grownups who toss off gorgeously written observations without knowing how little we know about what we think we know.'

Paperback,128 pages ISBN: 9781559364768Publication Date:
4 Jun 2015
Size: 215mm x 135mm£18.99
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