Nick Hern Books sponsors Exeunt Magazine podcast episode on playwriting

Monday, July 27, 2015

Nick Hern Books has sponsored the latest episode of Exeunt Magazine's podcast Pursued by a Bear. The new episode, Uncaused Effects: Playwrights on playwriting, is out now.

In the episode, Exeunt talks to nine playwrights at various stages of their career and at different points of the writing process. The writers discuss all aspects of playwriting, from the initial sparks of thought to the blank page and, finally, to stage. Presenter Tim Bano asks what it means to be a writer, and discusses the state of new writing in the UK.

The podcast features interviews with: Tom Basden, David Edgar, Tim Foley, Catriona Kerridge, Rebecca Lenkiewicz, Dan Rebellato, Stef Smith, Jack Thorne and Steve Waters.

Listen to the episode on our SoundCloud page here. See a special offer on books by some of the playwrights featured in the episode here.

Nick Hern Books sponsors Exeunt Magazine podcast episode on playwriting