Michael Bryher

Michael Bryher is a director and theatre-maker. He originally trained as an actor at the National Youth Theatre and LAMDA, and has since worked as a director and facilitator at many theatres across the country. He is the Artistic Director of Dumbshow, an ensemble company that he co-founded in 2007. He is the editor of National Youth Theatre Monologues: 75 Speeches for Auditions.

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National Youth Theatre Monologues

75 Speeches for Auditions

Edited by Michael Bryher

An exciting and invaluable collection of audition speeches, all chosen from plays produced by the National Youth Theatre of Great Britain, spanning more than sixty years as one of the world’s leading companies for young performers.

  • Paperback£14.99 £11.99
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  • Ebook£14.99 £11.99