God of Vengeance
Paperback, 112 pages ISBN: 9781559362337Publication Date:
13 Sep 2007
Size: 215mm x 137mm£17.99
First Staged:
Seattle, Washington, 2000

God of Vengeance

By Donald Margulies

Paperback £17.99

Adapted from Sholom Asch's classic morality tale - a work of spellbinding power from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Dinner With Friends.

Jack Chapman runs a brothel on the first floor of his tenement, but wants a respectable marriage for his daughter. But when his daughter falls in love with one of the prostitutes, the marriage - and with it, Jack's dream of redemption - looks very doubtful indeed.

Donald Margulies's adaptation shifts the action of the 1906 Yiddish melodrama from its original setting - 1906 Poland - to the Lower East Side of New York in the early 1920s, transporting Asch's concerns about piety and hypocrisy, love and transgression into the context of Jewish-American immigrant culture.

The original English-language version of God of Vengeance first appeared on Broadway in 1923, but was closed down and the cast arrested for its portrayal of a lesbian love affair on stage.

Press Quotes

'Diabolical ingenuity and rueful tenderness... a playwright with a particularly pungent and intelligent vision'

New York Times
Paperback,112 pages ISBN: 9781559362337Publication Date:
13 Sep 2007
Size: 215mm x 137mm£17.99

Also by Donald Margulies:

Sight Unseen and other plays
Time Stands Still
Collected Stories
Luna Park: short plays and monologues
The Country House
Dinner With Friends
Brooklyn Boy

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