Drama Classic Collections

Each volume in the Drama Classic Collections series brings together the most popular plays from a single author or a particular period, offering students, actors and theatregoers a series of uncluttered, accessible editions, accompanied by comprehensive introductions.

Where the originals are in English, there is a glossary of unfamiliar words and phrases. Where the originals are in a foreign language, the translations aim to be both actable and accurate – and are made by translators whose work is regularly staged in the professional theatre.

Showing 1-6 of 6 items.
Wilde: Four Plays
  • Paperback£6.99 £5.59
Ibsen: Three Plays
  • Paperback£7.99 £6.39
  • Ebook£7.99 £6.39
Chekhov: Four Plays
  • Paperback£8.99 £7.19
Lorca: Three Plays
  • Paperback£12.99 £10.39
  • Ebook£12.99 £10.39