Ebook, 42 pages ISBN: 9781780015873Publication Date:
13 May 2015
£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)
First Staged:
Arcola Theatre, London, 2007


By Jack Thorne

Ebook £4.99£3.99

Rob finds life confusing in a world of unwritten rules. If there's no one around to tell him right from wrong, except for a copy of FHM and a call-centre supervisor, he just has to guess. But he's never been very lucky, and sometimes he gets his guesses very wrong.

Jack Thorne's play Stacy is a darkly confessional monologue for one male performer and a slide projector. It was first performed at the Arcola Theatre, London, in February 2007.

Stacy is also available in the volume Stacy & Fanny and Faggot: Two Plays, and in the collection Jack Thorne Plays: One.

Press Quotes

'A pin-sharp, brilliant piece of work'

Time Out, Critics' Choice

'A challenging, disturbing and distinctive new voice'

The Times

'This one-man show will blow your socks off... one of the most entertaining nights I've had at the theatre'

London Lite
Ebook,42 pages ISBN: 9781780015873Publication Date:
13 May 2015
£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)

Also by Jack Thorne:

When Winston Went to War with the Wireless
The Motive and the Cue
A Christmas Carol
Jack Thorne Plays: Two
the end of history...
Burying Your Brother in the Pavement
The Solid Life of Sugar Water
Let the Right One In
After Life
CripTales: Six Monologues
Stacy & Fanny and Faggot: two plays
When You Cure Me
2nd May 1997
Jack Thorne Plays: One
Red Car, Blue Car
Fanny and Faggot
Whiff Whaff

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